sanāk, ka LMT nelieto upšus, līdz ar luksoforiem pazuda arī lmt zona.
kolēģi saka, ka šamiem tāpat.
sanāk, ka LMT nelieto upšus, līdz ar luksoforiem pazuda arī lmt zona.
kolēģi saka, ka šamiem tāpat.
We are releasing a test version of an exciting new feature – Cloud Hosted Router (CHR).
It is a Virtual Machine image of RouterOS that has full functionality of RouterOS without any kind of conventional RouterOS license, with the limitation of 1Mbit per interface, in future, we will offer unlimited speed with a paid subscription. This allows you to use RouterOS in training classes, for testing, for experimentation or any other purpose, without the need for 24h trial or Demo license.
We provide a generic (RAW) format IMG that you can convert to other formats with qemu or other tools. I have already pre-converted them for your convenience to VMDK (VMware virtual disk image) and VDI (VirtualBox disk image). Those are not installers, but ready disk images.
vāks, kur vēl tādi gudrīši izlien.
woah, ar exabgp iegrūžu flowus SR’am, nogriež tik precīzi, prieks kā mazai meitenei.
nebūs vairs jānaglo.
žēl, ka upstrīmi neatbalsta, iesprūduši vēl y2k.
jāsajūdz exabgp kopā ar nfsen vai exaddos.
3x /21s
450x /24
marko pakas, treiso flowus.
salasījos, Latvijā tādu nespīd izmantot. ;[
To meet the evolution mentioned above, Huawei releases the industry’s largest petabit core router NE9000. The new product supports the industry’s first 2T router line card and leading SDN/NFV technology meets the requirement of the next generation DC-centric network. NE9000 supports the maximum capacity of 8 Tbit/s per slot. The cluster system capacity scales to 8 Pbit/s, resulting in a download speed of 12,000 4K videos per second. The industry’s 2T line card can provide high port density of 100GE with wire speed. It can help operators to simplify the network, reduce the network delay, and bring an inspiring experience to users.