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Elon Musk’s Dream Is Coming True: Vacuum Tube Company Is Building A 3-Mile ‘Hyperloop’ Transport System
quadrillion times per second ieraksta datus, kuri vilkšot pie milliona gadu?
A team of researchers at the University of Southampton have demonstrated a way to record and retrieve as much as 360 terabytes of digital data onto a single disk of quartz glass in a way that can withstand temperatures of up to 1000 C and should keep the data stable and readable for up to a million years. ‘It is thrilling to think that we have created the first document which will likely survive the human race,’ said Peter Kazansky, professor of physical optoelectronics at the Univ. of Southampton’s Optical Research Centre. ‘This technology can secure the last evidence of civilization: all we’ve learnt will not be forgotten.’ Leaving aside the question of how many Twitter posts and Facebook updates really need to be preserved longer than the human species, the technology appears to have tremendous potential for low-cost, long-term, high-volume archiving of enormous databanks. The quartz-glass technique relies on lasers pulsing one quadrillion times per second though a modulator that splits each pulse into 256 beams, generating a holographic image that is recorded on self-assembled nanostructures within a disk of fused-quartz glass. The data are stored in a five-dimensional matrix—the size and directional orientation of each nanostructured dot becomes dimensions four and five, in addition to the usual X, Y and Z axes that describe physical location. Files are written in three layers of dots, separated by five micrometers within a disk of quartz glass nicknamed ‘Superman memory crystal’ by researchers.